My Melbourne backyard
I only have a small courtyard style backyard where we are renting. I have a bird bath and more recently have put up a bird seed feeder. It's not much, but sometimes we get some special treats

Gorgeous blossom just starting to peep out - Spring has sprung! I'm not sure of the type, maybe non-fruiting prunus plum?

A gorgeous Brown Thornbill, one of my favourite little birds. They move so fast as they flit through the trees hunting insects, and it's difficult to get a good shot! So I'm pretty proud of this one, and right outside my kitchen window! Sweet moment!

One of my favourite shots of the moon at full zoom on my old camera that went out to 600mm! I think this is a pretty good shot for the city, given how much light is reflected up that obscures the sky.

A cute little baby, or at least immature, Blackbird, right out my window!

Notice how this baby bird has a short tail and speckled appearance compared to adult Blackbirds that you may have seen?

The speckled appearance of the immature bird is due to growing feathers not having grown right through - you can see the shafts

Here's Daddy Blackbird with Junior Blackbird - you can see how much more speckled the baby is

A wonderful encounter right in my back yard - so exciting!