Morning Lake Burley Griffin drive - 14/9/2016
After a lovely ride around the western loop of Lake Burley Griffin on Tuesday (13/9/2016) I went back the next morning in the car with my camera to capture some of the beauty

A beautiful still morning at Canberra Yacht Club on Lake Burley Griffin

A beautiful reflection looking over Lake Burley Griffin to Lennox Gardens

A Southern Cross boat cruise on Lake Burley Griffin? Why yes I think I'll pop it in my calendar

I can never resist a duck, or their water trail - a beautiful Pacific Black Duck

One of the many car parks and picnic grounds around the western side of Lake Burley Griffin

There's always something striking about the stunning Purple Swamphen, or Maori Hen in New Zealand

That's Black Mountain and the Telstra Tower over the other side of Lake Burley Griffin

A little island in Lake Burley Griffin absolutely covered in seagulls (or Silver Gulls to give them their proper name)

The western loop of the Lake Burley Griffin bike path

Crimson rosellas set against the ominous grey sky

What a picturesque scene with that dinky little boat!

Canberra Yacht Club...some lovely boats

Adolescent birds certainly go through some of the cosmetic issues that adults teens face. This King Parrot is halfway between the baby stage and becoming an adult, and he's very blotchy!

The King parrots are such beautiful birds! The is the fabulous female bird

The stunning male King Parrot

Kangaroos everywhere around the lake! I'm not sure what the necklaces are all about

What a gorgeous avenue!

The colours of the Crimson Rosellas are always magnificent

More of the western part of the bike path

Spot the Yellow Rumped Thornbill!