Floriade Canberra 2016
When I was telling people that I was moving to Canberra for 3 months in September, so many of them told me that I must check out Floriade! So I did, and I'm so glad! What an incredible feat of gardening and festival! I love it, so much that I've been twice in the 4 days that its been open. And I definitely plan on going again once this rain stops. Enjoy!
More to follow - I'll keep updating each time I go back to Floriade. Check out the Spring Babies portfolio for the chicks I saw at the lake the first day I went to Floriade

Off I go to Floriade! Very excited!

Canberra certainly takes pride in this annual spring floral festival

I truly enjoyed using my new camera at Floriade, it captures pinks and purples so much better than my old one!

Oh the detail - sublime

Gorgeous pale pinks and creams, still slightly scrunchy from unfolding

I'm amazed at how many differently coloured centres there are amongst the different tulip colours

Have you ever notice a pansy like this?

Nature is so clever with all its colours and textures and combinations

This yellow tulip with the frayed edge really caught my eye

Floriade isn't just about the flowers, its about local retailers, food, drink, and a festival atmosphere with so many performers


Could they be more perfect?

Just wow!

I don't know any names of tulips but this one should be called Tiger!

Not just tulips - the are jonquils, hyacinth, pansies and more

Check out those purple stamens

It looks painted to me

Whoever designs these gardens is a genius! I still want to know how they plant out the bulbs and annuals...

Another speechless moment

I still haven't had a ride on the ferris wheel - I really must!!

Not just tulips

An inlet from Lake Burley Griffin that Commonwealth Park, where Floriade is held, abuts


Upcycling old ropes


Zig zag

I loved getting the backlight through the tulips

All you need for a garden is a wheelbarrow

Just when you thought it couldn't get more exquisite

ZIg zag from further back

And from lower down

What an inspiring location for main stage

Mixed batch

This was probably the most unusual colour coordination: dark purple and white

Floriade apparently uses a million plants...I can totally believe it!
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